Will of Bridget Alefounder 1712

Dedham pedigree

Original will, image can be seen on the Essex Record Office web site, reference D/ABW 80/297.

Office copy (poor), Essex Record Office reference D/ABR 16/281.

Original will:

In the name of God Amen this Seventh Day of September Anno qe Diñ One thousand Seven hundred & nine, in the Eighth year of the reigne of our Sou~aigne Lady Anne by the Grace of God, over great Brittain France & Ireland Queen defender of ye Faith &c I Bridget Alefounder of Dedham in the County of Essex Widdow being sick and weak in Boddy, but of a perfect & good disposing memmory thanks be therefore giuen vnto almighty God. Do make ordaine & Constitute this my Last will & testamt in manner & Form following. Impermis I giue and bequeath to my daughter Bridget one shilling & one hearer trunck. Item I giue & bequeath to my Daughter Anne Alefounder All my wearing apparrel and wearing linnen and one great Chest now in the Custody and possession of my Son Thomas Alefounder in Dedham. Item I giue & bequeath to my son Robert Alefounder Five Shilling at the end of three years. Item I giue & bequeath to my Son Thomas Alefounder Five shillings at the Expiratoñ of three years after my decease also. Item I giue & bequeath to my son Mathew Alefounder Five and twenty pounds of Lawful money of England Item I giue and bequeath more to my Son John Alefounder Five & twenty pounds of Like Lawful money of England both ye sd~ two last sum&mtilde;s to be payed to my sd~ two sons Mathew and John (out of the bond sale made to me by & From my aforemencõned Daughter Bridget, now the wife of John Ovehand) at such time as the aforesd~ Bond to me made shall become due & payable; I giue Furthermore to my sd~ two sons Mathew Alefounder & John Alefounder equally betwixt them my great Copper the vpper part wherof being of Copper & ye Lower part of ye same being kettle Brass and one great mashing tubb as they are both in the Custody of my Son Robert in Weeligh Item, I Furthermore giue and bequeath to my two sons aforesd~ vizt Mathew and John Alefounder All the rest of my goods and Chattles houshold & implents of houshold both what is in my own Custody & possession & also those which are in the Custody, possession & keeping of my Son Thomas Alefounder and all the remainder of my money yet unbequeathed (over and aboue the defraying of my Funerall charges & paying of all my just debts) equally to be devided betwixt my sd~ son Mathew & my Son John Alefounder immediately after my decease. Item I do make, ordaine & Constitute my two sons Thomas Alefounder & John Alefounder sole Executors to this my last will and testamt, vtterly revoking, annulling and makeing voyd and of none effect all Former & other wills by me at anytime or times heretofore made, In witness whereof I haue here vnto put my hand and seale the day and year first aboue written

Signum    [seal]


Bridget Alefounder wid-

Sealed & delin~d Signed and declared
in the presence of vs

The mark of Mary Berrie

the mark of Anne Orman

Sam~ll Johnson

[page 2]
Bridgetta Alefounder nup de Dedham vid-

prob- 18 Nov 1712

Office copy, numerous small differences with respect to original:

In the name of God Amen this Seventh Day of September Annoqe Dñi 1709 in the Eigth Yeare of the reign of or Sovergne Lady Anne by the Grace of God over great Britt France and Ireland Queen defendr of the faith &c I Bridgete Alefounder of Dedham in the County of Essex Widd~ being sick & weak in body but of a pfect and good disposing memory thankss be therefore given unto Almighty God doe make ordaine & constitute this my last will and testamt in manner and form following Imp~ris I give & bequeath unto my daughter Bridgett one shill~ & one heavy Trunk Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Anne Alefounder all my wearing apparell & wearing linnen & one Great Chest now in the Custody and possession of Thomas Alefounder of Dedham Item I give & bequeath unto my son Robt. Alefounder five Shillings at the End of three yeares Item I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Alefoundr. five shill~ at the Expiraia of three yeares after my decease also Item I give & bequeath unto my son Matthew Alefounder five & twenty pouds of lawful money of Engd~ Item I give & bequeath more to my son John Alefounder five & twenty pounds of like lawful money of England both the sd~ two last sumes to be pd to my sd~ two Sons Matthew and John (out of the bond sale made to me by and from my aforemencõned Daughter Bridgett now the wife of John Oughan) at such time as the afore sd Bond to me made shall become due and payable I give furthermore to my said two Sons Matthew Alefounder and John Alefounder equally betwixt them my great Coppel the upper pte wherof being of Copper and the lower pte of the same being lettle Brass and one great mashing tubb as they are both in the Custody of my Son Robt in Weeligh Item I Furthermore give & bequeath to my two Sons aforesd vizt Matthew and John Alefounder all the rest of my goods and Chattles houshold and Implemts. of houshold both wth in my own Custody & possession & also those wch are in the Custody possession & keeping of my Son Thomas Alefounder and all the remainder of my money yet unbequeathed (over and above the defraying of my funerall charges & paying of my just debts) equally to be divided betwixt my s~d son John Alefounder imediatly after my decease Item I doe make ordane & Constitute my s~d two Sons Thomas Alefounder and John Alefounder sole Exrrs. of this my last will and testam. uttr~ly revokeing annulling, & makeing void & of none effect all former & other wills by me at any time or times heretofore made In witness whereof I have hereunto putt my hand & seal the day & year first above written Signed Bridgett Alefounder Widd~ Sealed delarde Sgned & published in the ps~ence of us the mark of Mary Be...ie the marke of Anne Orman Saml Johnson

Probate fuit hoc testm~ decimo octavo die mensis Novemb..s Anno Dni 1712 .. Mto Robert Rogers CC surr &c Imto Exte... de bene &c ...

Office copy transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994
and added to web site 18th April 1999
Transcript of original added May 2007