Original will, bits missing at edge. Transcribed at Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich branch, (too fragile to photocopy), reference IC/AA1/92/176
Elizabeth Alefounder of Ipswch in the County of Suff Widdow being
sicke in body but of sound and perfect memory thankes be to god: doe ordaine
this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath
my soule into the hands of god Almighty hoping to be saved only by the merrits
of Jesus Christ my mercifull redeemer and my body to be buried at the
discretion of my Executer herafter named And for my worldly goods
which god hath mercifully lent mee I dispose of them as followeth: First I give
to my sonne Stephen Freelove of Arwarton the summe of six pounds of lawful
English mony It- I give to Elizabeth his wife the summe of fourty
shillings of like mony It- I give unto Mr William Bizzard
minister of gods word in Colchester and to Mary his wife being one of my
sayd sons daughters to each of them [the] summe of twenty shillings
to be payd within [...] yea[...] and an halfe after my decease
It- I give unto George Buzzard son unto the sd
Mr William Buzzard the sum[...] twenty shillings to be payd him when
hee shall attaine the age of twenty one yeares. It I give unto John F[...] one
of the sons of the sd. Stephen Freelove the summe of foure pounds to
be payd him within 3 yeares after my dec[...] It I give unto George Freelove
one of the sons of the sd Stephen Freelove the summe of foure pounds
to be payd the sd George within foure yeares after my decease, It I
give unto the sayd George Freelove one feather bed a bolster a pillow and a
payre of blankets It- I give to my grand childe Martha Hickes the
summe of foure [...] to be payd within two yeares after my decease.
It- I give to James Springet and to Elizabeth his wife one [...]
daughters of the sd Stephen Freelove to each of them the summe of twenty
shillings to be payd to them wi[...] yeare after my decease. It- I
give to the sd children of James and Elizabeth Springet to each of
them five sh[...] a piece to be payd them within six yeares after my decease
And I will that all these severall legacies given to my [...] Stephen Freelove
his wife children and grand=children be payd by my son Stephen Freelove unto
all and e[...] of them at the respective times before specified
out & out of the monies that are in the hands of the sd
Steph[...] love my son. It- I give unto Mary Cole my grandchild wife
unto William Cole of Ipswch the su[...] payd to her within two
yeares after my decease. It I give unto the sd Mary Cole one payre of sheets
and [...] white Apron. It I give to David Sancroft my grandchilde the summe of
three pounds to be payd him wi[...] yeares after my decease It. I give to the
three daughters of my son in law John Alfounder of Dedham th su[...] six
shillings and eight pence a peice to be payd to them as they shall attaine to
the age of eighteen yeeres. It I give unto John Skeet my kinsman of
Ipswch son of John Skeet deceased the summe of twenty shillings to
be payd him when h[...] shall attaine to the age of nineteen yeeres
It- I give unto John Sherman son of Ezekiell Sherman of Dedham the
summe of ten shillings to be payd him within one yeare after my decease if hee
be then living It. I give to Mary Butcher of Holbroke the summe of ten
shillings to be payd her within three monthes after my decease It- I
give to he[...] the sd Mary Butcher one red petticoate It. I give
unto John Benly of Holbroke the summe of five shillings to be pa[...] him
within one month after my decease It. I give to the poore of Erwarton five
shillings It I give to Mr Wre[...] minister of Erwarton ten
shillings to be payd him within six monthes after my decease It I give to
Mathew Alfounde[..] one of the sons of my son in law John Alfounder the summe
of five shillings to be payd him within three yeares after [...] decease All
the rest of my goods whatsoever vnbequeathed my debts and legacies being payd
and my funerall charges and charges about my will being discharged I give unto
my son Stephen whome I ordaine and appoint to be executor to this my
l[...] will and testament revoking all other wills by mee made. in witnesse
wherof I have hereunto set my hand [...] this fourth day of Octob in the yeare
of or Lord 1652
Sealed and delivered in the pesence of us. Bezaleell Carter William Cole
Elizabeth Alfou-er marke
Probat fuit hinad testamentu' suprascript apud Gippwicu' [...]ram proba- et discreto viro mro- Johr- Ballard gen- surr venlis viri Robt- [...] King [...] dcoris in et p toti Archinat Suff Comissarij [...] L[...] offlis etine Constituto decimo die mensis Julij Anno [...] 1662 vigore vir ami~ Stephen Freelove Exur in hinu-d nominate cui com-issa fuit Adco- omn- et singuler bon-s & eco- defs salvo vire cum fen qz &c coram me
Jo: Bullard surro
Transcribed by Peter Alefounder May 1999 |