Office copy, Norfolk Record Office reference 43 Blomfield, mf 96, No 30.
In the Name of God Amen this fourteenth day of october in the Eleaventh Year of the Reign of our most Gratious Sovereigne Lady Anne by ye Grace of God of great Britain France and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith &c and in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seaven Hundred & Twelve I Grace Alefounder of Winston in the County of Suffolk Widow being sick in Body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God therefore do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Impris~ I com~end my Soul into the hands of almighty God that gave it me and my Body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executor herein after named and as to that Estate which God hath of his great Goodness lent unto me in this life I dispose thereof as followeth Inprs. I Give and bequeath unto my Cousin Nicholas Candler all my Copyhold messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoevor holden of the mannor of Debenham Butley now in the occupacõn of John Murton To hold to him and his heirs for ever Item I give and bequeath unto my said Cousin Nicholas Candler all my part of that messuage or Tenement Lands meadows pastures feedings and appurtenc~es both freehold and Copyhold which came to me as one of the Sisters and Coheirs of Symon Tovell my late Brother deceased after his decease Situate lying and being in Winston aforesaid now in the Occupacõn of Thomas Peirson to hold to him the said Nicholas Candler and his heirs for ever Item I give and bequeath unto Peter Candler of Pettaugh in the County of Suffolk Gent and Anne his wife all my mesuage or Tenement Situate lying and being in Winston aforesaid now in the Occupacoñ of the widow Wills with ye orchards yards Gardens lands meadows pastures feedings and Grounds thereunto belonging which now are in the occupacõn of the said widow Wills To hold unto the said Peter Candler and Anne his wife To the onely use and behoofe of them the said Peter Candler and Anne his wife for and during the terme of their Natural lives and the Life of the longer liver of them and from and after the decease of them and the longer liver of them Then to the use and behoofe of the right heirs of their two Bodys lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to the right heirs of the longer liver of them the said Peter Candler and Ann his wife for ever Lastly I Give and bequeath moreover unto my said Cousin Nicholas Candler all my ready money debts Securitys for money Goods Chattles and other my personall Estate whatsoever and wheresoever being he paying all such Just debts as I shall happen to owe at the time of my decease my funeral charges and probate of this my Will and I do nominate and appoint my said Cousin Nichols Candler Sole Executor of this my last will and thus having heard this my will conteyned in this one Sheet of paper read unto me and haveing Considered therof I do revoke all former Wills by me heretofore made and do publish & declare this to be my last Will and Testament in the presence of those Witnesses whose names are here unto Subscribed the day and year first above written/
the marke of Grace Alefounder
Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last will of the said Grace Alefounder in the presence of us Daniel Smith the mark of Elizabeth Wilson Lovett Fox 20 die Maij 1720o. apud Debenham Ju^rat fuit Nicholas Candler Executor intra noiat coram me Thomas Crosby Surrõ:/
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1995 |
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