Original will, Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich branch, reference IC/AA1/138/58.
In the Name of God Amen this One and thirtieth day of May in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand Seven hundred and Seven, And in the Sixth year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lady Anne by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland Queen defender of the Faith Etc I John Alefounder of Winston in the County of Suffolke Yeoman being of perfect mind and Sound disposing Memory (thanks be given to the Lord) Doe make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to Say) First and principally I commit my Soul to God whoe gaue it, And my Body to the Earth to be decently Inter'd at the discretion of my Executrice and Supravisor. herein after named, And for my outward Estate which the Lord have lent me I dispose thereof as followeth Inprimis I giue and Bequeath vnto my Wife Grace One bedsteddle, one feather bedd, with the bolsters pillowes, & Blancketts Rugg and other furniture belonging to the said Bedd as it stands which my said Wife shall Chuse, Also I giue her Six payr of my best Sheets and Six Napkins Item I giue all the rest residue and remaynder of my household goods vnto my kinswoman Grace Candler of Winston aforesaid Spinster Item I giue Bequeath and Devise vnto the said Grace Candler All that my Messuage or Tenement with all the outhouses Barnes Stables Yards Gardens Orchards, Lands Meadows pastures with their and every of their hereditaments & appurtenances Scituate lyeing and being in Winston aforesaid now in the tenure or occupation of Ellis Clarke or his Assignes, part of which Said Estate is my said wives joynture, To have and to hold All and so much of my said Messuage Lands and premisses as is the joynture of my said Wife Immediately after the death of my said Wife vnto the said Grace Candler and to her heyrs and Assignes for ever And to have and to hold all the rest residue and remaynder of my said Messuage or Tenement houses Lands hereditaments and premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances Immediately after my Decease vnto the said Grace Candler and to her heirs and assignes for ever Upon Condition notwithstanding And it is my Will and meaning That if the said Grace Candler her heyrs and Assignes shall refuse or neglect to pay or cause to be payd vnto her Sister Ann Candler wife of ^Mr Peter Candler the yearly Sum of Tenn pounds for and during the terme of the naturall life of the said Ann at two equall payments in every year therof Vizt. on the Nine and twentieth day of September and the fiue and twentieth day of March in every year or within twenty days next after each respectiue day, The first payment thereof to begin and to be made on the next of the said days of payment which shall first happen next after my Decease, That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Ann Candler and her Assignes upon every such default of payment to Enter upon the said Messuage Lands and premisses with th'appurtenances, and the same to hold Lett Dewise and enjoy. And also the Rents & Issues and proffits thereof and of every part thereof comeing to hand and take vntill such time and times as the said Ann Candler shall be from time to time satisfied and payd her said Yearly Rent of Tenn pounds during her life with all such lawfull interest as shall be therefore due from time to time, as also such charges and Costs of Suite as the said Ann Candler or her assignes shall expend or be at in and about the same Item I giue and Bequeath vnto Thomas Clodd the Elder of Kenton in the said County of Suffolke Yeoman the Summe of Tenn Pounds of Currant English money which I will shall be payd him by my Executrice herein named for his assistance advise and direction to her in the mannadgement of this my Will and right performance thereof within Six monthes next after my Decease Item I giue and Bequeath all the rest and remainder of my moneys goods Cattell Stock and personall Estate whatsoeur and wheresoever not herein before bequeathed vnto my said Cozen Grace Candler, she first paying out of the same All my just Debts funerall Charges and Charges for the probate of this my Will, And I do make and Ordain the said Grace Candler full & Sole Executrice of this my last will and Testament and desire the said Thomas Clodd to doe what he can for her in the right performance, hereby revoaking all former and other wills by me made, Do publish & declare this to be my last will conteyned in three sheets of paper fixed together on the topp In Witness whereof to every sheet of this my will I the said John Alefounder haue Set my hand and Seale the day and Yeare in the first Sheet aboue written /.
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said John Alefounder for his last will & testamt. In the presence of us who haue attested the same In his presence under our hands John Walford Joseph Walford Anna Walford John Alefounder
Mr John Alefounder his Last Will and Testament May the 31th 1707.
Probatum fuit hoc testamentum Apud Gipp~um Coram Magistro Willielmo Beaumont Clicõ Aetium Magistro Surr~o venlis viri Henrici Fauconberge legum Dcõis in et per totum Archiñatum Suffolcie Comissarij lti~md constituti viresimo tertio die Octobris Anno dñi 1708o: Juramto Executrici & in evdem nõiate Cui comissa fuit Ad~mco bonorum &c de bene. &c jurat &c Salvo &c //:
23 Oct 1708 Jurat Ex~tivx Coram me Guil: Beaumont Surre //
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994 |
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