Original will, Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds branch, reference IC500/1/37/52
Rey~rter p me Gabric~e Boytoñn
In the name of god amen. In the yeare of or lorde. 1576. The
xxiij day of August. the xviijth yeare of the raiyne of
or soveraigne lady Qvene Elizabeth &c I James Alefownder
^alias James Tyler of the towne of Long Mellforde and
dyocesse of Norwyche beinge sycke in body, but whole in mynde and of perfect
remembrance thankes be vnto allmightye god doe ordayne and make this my
testament and last will in maner and forme following. Fyrst I bequeath my soule
to allmyghtie god and my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of Longe
Mellford. Itm I gyve and bequeath vnto Jone my wyffe my house wherein I now
dwell called Cawtes with the yarde and all other the app~tenñces vnto the said house and yarde belongeing
dureing hir naturall lyffe. And after hir deceasse I will and bequeath that the
said house and yarde wyth thapp~tenñces
shall remayne vnto my eldest sonne Robert Tyler Itm I will that my wyffe shall
lykewyse have, holde, occupye, and enioye all that my fyve perches of Copye
holde belongeing vnto my said house called Cawtes dureing hir naturall lyffe
and after hir deceasse I will yt shall lykewise remayne vnto my eldest sonne
Robert Tyler. Itm I will that my wyffe shall dureing hir tyme sustayne
maynteyne and kepe the said house in good and suffycyent repacoñ
And yf yt happen yt the said Jone my wyffe doe marry agayne yf after
hir mariage the said house be out of repacoñ and therof warnyng
gyven vnto hir or hir husbond and that it be not repayred wthin one
half yeare after warnyng so gyven Then I will that my said sonne Robert shall
ymediatelie enter vpon the said house and yard, at yt take into his owne
possession and that my wyffe shall never after make any clayme ther vnto. Itm I
will that my sonne Robert Tyler shall pay vnto his other two bretheren
and Thomas and William Tyler and vnto his two systers Marryon
and Emme to eyther of them twentye shyllings wythin two yeares next after his
said house shall come to his handes. And yf yt ffortune the said Robert Tyler
to deceasse before he enioye the said house and yard then I will that the said
house and land, both fre and copie remayne the next elder brother Thomas Tyler,
and yf he dye vnto the next brother. Provyded always that yf the said Robert
Tyler do dye and before he enioye the same and leave yssue male of his body
lawfully begotten, then I will that yt shall remayne vnto his sonne and so of
all my sonnes. So that they pay the Some of iiijli amongest my
children that shall then lyve to be parted equally betwene them. And yf all my
sonnes dye wthout issue I will the house and land to be
parted solde and parted betwene my daughters. All my moveable
goodes and all other thinges whatsoever not bequeathed I gyve vnto Jone my
wyffe in consideracon that she shall bring vp my children and se my debtes
dyscharged whome I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Red
allowed and delivered as his last will and Testamt in the presence
of vs The testators X m~ke Iohn Enew William
Strutt William Grenegrasse
Probat apud Sud xxviij Septembris 1576 cora~m &c deyr Legm ... comissam &c
Admament Executris/.
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994 |
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