Original will, Essex Record Office reference D/ABW 49/338
In the Name of God Amen - The xxvijth daie of Iune 1627 & in the third yeare of the Reigne of our souevaigne Lord Kinge Charles: I Mary Alefounder wife of Robert Alefounder of Dedham in the county of Essex Clothier with the good will & consent of my said husband, make and ordaine this my last will and testament in Manner and Forme followinge: First I Com~end my soule into the hands of my Lord and Savior Iesus Christ who hath rede~med it and my body to the earth from whence it came to be bestowed in Comely & Christian buriall in hope of a Ioyfull resurrecõn vnto eternall life: Item I give and bequeath vnto Elizabeth Wodward my grandchild all that my house and lands in Thorpe to her and to her heires for ever Item I give & bequeath vnto Mary Wodward my grandchild all that my house and Land in Beamont to haue & to hold to her and to her heires for ever: Notwithstandinge I will and my meaninge is that if either of my said grandchildren dy without heires of their body lawfully begotten then one of them survivinge shalbe thothers heire: Item I give & bequeath vnto my sonne Iohn Wodward five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid by my executor within one moneth after my decease Item I giue & bequeath vnto my kinswoman and godchild Mary Large one Cubbard standinge in the hall one little table one featherbedd eight pieces of pewter vizt foure great and foure small and foure paies of sheetes Item I giue more vnto my said grandchildren Elizabeth Wodward & Mary Wodward to each of them foure paies of sheets a brasse pott a brasse kettle and a Copper kettle and all my table clothes table napkins pillow beers and towells and all the rest of my pewter unbequeathed to be equally devided betwixt them and to be delivered to them or their assignes at their seuerall ages of eighteene yeares by myne executor. Item I giue to my lovinge husband Robert Alefounder my downe bedd wth the ioyned bedstedle in the plor for terme of his naturall life and after his decease to the said Mary Wodward my grandchild to be deliverdd by my executor at her age of eighteene yeares: I giue & bequeath to my other grandchild Elizabeth Wodward my trundlebed stedd in the plor wth the featherbedd to be delived by my executor at her age of eighteene yeares Item I giue to my daughter in lawe Sara Brunninge my silke gowne that I was married in Item I giue to my daughter in Lawe Suzan Alefounder my silke grograine gowne Item I giue to my daughter Mary Wodward my Cloth gowne and my Cloth petticoat my two best bauds two best quoifes foure quarters Item I giue to my daughter in lawe Anne Fenne my best Curtle Item I giue to my daughter Rachael Sherman my best petticoat Item I giue to Mary Wodward my grandchild my tipt p.. Item I giue to Elizabeth Wodward my grandchild my pott Covered Item I giue to my sonne in lawe Robert Alefounder a Nutshell footed wth Silver Item I giue to my sonne in lawe Matthewe Alefounder one silver spoone Item I giue to my sonne in lawe Iohn Alefounder one silver spoone Item I giue to my brother in lawe Iohn Alefounder one silver spoone Item all the rest of my silver spoones I giue to my grandchildren Mary Wodward and Elizabeth Wodward equally to be devided betwixt them Item I giue to my daughter in lawe Mary Wodward my Cloke and safegard that were myne when I was a widowe and a piece of newe Cloth to make her a Cloke. Ite[m] I giue to my lovinge husband Robert Alefounder my biggest gold Ringe and a piece of gold of xxxiijs: Item I giue to my daughter Anne Fenne a litle gold Ringe Item I giue to my daughter in lawe Suzan wife of Matthew Alefounder another gold Ringe: Item I giue to my two grandchildren Mary Wodward and Elizabeth Wodward my foure Chestes to be equally devided betwixt them: Item I giue to my mayd Anne Deane two old petticoats and an old Wastcoat: Item I giue to my daughter Susan Alefounder my old stuffe petticoat Item I giue to my mayd Martha Manser an old petticoat Item I giue to Mr Iohn Rogers fortie shillings Item I giue to Mr Cottesford thirtie shillings Item I giue to Mr Wittham of Mislie forty shillings Item I giue to the poore of dedham fortie shillings And I will that my executor shall pay Mr Rogers, Mr Wittham and Mr Cottesford within one moneth after my decease and the poore at the day of my buriall, And the rest of my moveable goods and household stuffe unbequeathed I giue vnto Ezekiell Sherman my sonne in lawe whom I make my sole executor of this my last will and testament and my sonne in lawe Robert Alefounder Supvisor of this my last will: In testimony wherof I have herevnto putt my hand and seale in the prsence of these witnesses Lyonell Chewte Symon Fenne George Spinke The mke of the said Mary Alefounder:
Concordal cum orili Jacobus Thwaits Tho: Gaell pbat 5o 7bris 1627 inrato Jacob Thwaits & curid~: extosis fit
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994 |
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