Original will, Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich branch, reference IC/AA1/127/73.
In the name of God Amen the Tenth day of June in the eighth Yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the third by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith &c Annoqe Dñi 1696 I Mary Alefounder of Winson in the County of Suffc widd being Sick in body but of Sound & pfect mind & memory (thanks be to Almighty God therefore do make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner & forme following Inprs. I commend my soul inth the hands of Almighty God that gave it me & my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently interred at the discrecon of my Executor herein after named And as to that Estate which God hath of his great goodnesse lent vnto me in this life I dispose therof as followeth Inprs. I give vnto my Son John All that my Messuage or Tenemt. wth. the Barns stable outhouses yards gardens orchards Lands meadowes pastures & Appurtenñces therevnto belonging scituate lying & being in Playford in the sd. County of Suffc To hold to him & his heires for ever Vpon Condicõn notwthstanding that my Sd. Son John, his heires Execer or Adminers shall well & truly pay or cause to be paid vnto my Son Robert yearly & every yeare during the terme of his naturall life for & towards his livelyhood and maintenance the su~me of Eight pounds of lawfull mony of England (wthout any deduccon or defalcacon wt.soever except what taxes shall be imposed vpon the sd. Lands by Act of Parliamt. at any tyme hereafter which I will be deducted Annually out of the Sd. Annual rent Charge or Annualty) at the foure most vsual feasts or dayes of paymt. in the yeare (vizt.) Mich~as day Christmas day our Lady day & Midsom~er day by even & equall porcons ^[interlined] at or in the parish Church of Winson aforesaid [end of interline] the first paym to be made at the first of the sd. feasts which shall happen next & imediately after my decease & my mind & will is that if the Sd Annuall rent Charge or Annualty of eight pounds (the sd. taxes by Act of Parliamt. So as aforesd. deducted) or any pt thereof shall happen to be behind and unpaid at any of the sd. Feasts or dayes of paymt. in which it ought to be paid according to the true intent & meaning of this my last will or by the space of Tenn dayes next following then it shall & may be lawfull to & for my Sd. Sonn Robt. or his Assignes to enter into & vpon all & Singuler my Sd. messuages landes & pemisses & euy or any part & pcell thereof there to destreine for the sd. Annualty or yearely rent Charge wth the arrerages thereof if any shall happen to be & the distresse & distresses there found to take load dare & carry away & the rents issues & profits of the sd. messuage & lands to receive & take vntill he my Sd. Son Robert shall be fully satisfyed contented & paid the sd. Annualty or yearly rent Charge wth. the arrereages thereof if any shall happen to be together wth. the Charges of entry Notwithstanding my mind & will is that if my Sd. Son Robert shall make sale of the sd. Annualty or yearly rent Charge for any Su~me or Su~mes of mony to any person or psons wtsoever then the sd. Annualty or yearly rent Charge to cease & be extinct in the hands of my Sd. Sonn John & the sd. Messuage Lands & pemisses Discharged & acquitted of & from the sd. Annualty or yearly rent Charge any thing heretofore in this my last will conteyned to the contrary Item I give vnto my Sd. Son John all the arrereages of rent as shall be due vnto me at the tyme of my decease out of the sd Lands in Playford & out of my Messuage & Lands in Winson now in the occupacoñ of my Sonn Benjamin for & towards the paymt of my Debts Funerall Charges & pbate of this my last will Item I give vnto my Son Benjamin the sume of one shilling And lastly I doe nominate & appoint my Sd. Son John Sole Executor. of this my last will & testamt. revoaking all former Wills by me heretofore made In Witnes whereof I have herevnto Sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare first abovewritten/
Signed Sealed published & declared by the Sd. Mary Alefounder to be her last will & testamt. after the intolineing of these words at or in the porch of the Parish Church of Winson aforesd. in the pesence of vs
Anna Candler | the marke of | Alefounder |
Absma Walker | Phillys ~ Silverstone |
Probatum fuit hinodi testamentum apud Gippu~m Coram Magrõ Willielmo Beaumont Cli~ce Artium Magistro Su~rro veñlis Henrici Fauconberge legum dcõris Arch~inatus Suffolcie Comissarij etiñid constituti decimo quarto die Augusti Anno dñi 1697o Juramento Executoris nõiat Cui comissa fuit Ad~mco bonõrid &c de bene &c jurat &c Salvo &c./
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994-1999 |
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