Robert Alefounder, Certificate of Residence, 1600

 Dedham notes

 Dedham pedigree

A Certificate of Residence was issued to show that someone, resident in one place, had already been assessed for a tax somewhere else, and did not have to pay again.

TNA reference E 115/11/41: Alefounder, Robert, Suffolk, Certificate of residence 43 Eliz I [20 December 1600]. The document has been cut off at the right hand side: a few missing letters are marked {thus}.

Suffolk We Sr Phillipp Parker Knight and Edmund Poolye Examin{g} Commissioners amongst others assigned for the taxinge rating a{nd} asseassinge of the Third Subsidye of the three entire Subsidy{es} graunted to her matie by act of Parlyament houlden at Westm{inster} in the xxxixth Yeare of her highnes Reigne and devyded into the hyndreds of Bosmer cu~ Cleyder Stowe & Sampfo{rd} Doe signifye unto the ^right honorable the Lords and Barrons of her matis Counse{l} of Exchequor and so all others unto whome these presents shall come that or maye concerne That Robt Alefounder beinge himselfe wth his whole household and famylye at the tyme of the Asseasment and for the most pte of the yere before resident and abydinge in the Towne of Estberdgholt wthin the hundred of Sampford in the sayd Countye of Suffo{lk} Was there rated and asseassed towards the payment of the sayd Third Subsydye after the rate of Six poundes in goods In wytness wherefore the sayd commissioners have hereunto putt our hands and seales the xxth daye of Decembr in the xliiith yere of the Queenes mates Reigne
[hole where seal ripped out]
Phill Parker
[hole where seal ripped out]
Edmund Poley
Hund de Sampford
Etbergholt /Robtus~ Alefounder in bon~ vjli xvjs
              [initials] p Jo.[signature]

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Last updated 3rd August 2010 by Peter Alefounder

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