Sentence for the confirmation of the will of Robert Alefounder deceased (1630)
Office copy, National Archives (Family Records Centre) London, reference PROB11/157. This is the judgement resulting from a challenge to the will of Robert Alefounder. The original is in two sections, beginning "In dei nomine Amen..." and "Lecta...", and is split into further sections here only to maintain alignment with the translation. I make no claim to be an expert on Latin and so the translation is not guaranteed to be completely accurate. Corrections and suggestions for improvement are welcomed. Here are images of the original document from which the following transcript was made:
Permission for the publication of these images is given by TNA in section 6.1.1 of its copyright statement.
In dei nomine Amen Auditis visis et intellects ac plenarie et maturo discussis per nos Henricum Marten militem legum dco"rem Curie Prerogative Cant~ mag"rum Custodem sive Commissarum ltm"ie constitutum meritis et circumstantijs cuiusdam negotij testamentarij sive pbaco"nis testamenti per testes Roberti Alefounder senioris nuper de Dedham in com~ Essex diocess London Cantque provincie defuncti | In the Name of God Amen Hearing viewing understanding and a complete and perfect examination by us Henry Marten knight doctor of law master Custodian or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the merits and circumstances of a certain testamentary work or probated will of the testator Robert Alefounder the elder late of Dedham in the county of Essex, diocese of London and province of Canterbury deceased |
haben" dum vixit et mortis sue tempore bona iura sive credita in diversis diocess vel peculiar iurisdictionibus Provincis Cant quod coram nobis in Judicio inter Robertum Alefounder et Johannem Alefounder filius naturales et legitimos et executores in testamento dict defunct nominat partes huiusmodi negotium pmoven~ ex una | having while he lived and at the time of his death goods rights or credits in various dioceses or peculiars within the jurisdiction of the Province of Canterbury which is before us in Judgement between Robert Alefounder and John Alefounder natural and legitimate sons and executors named in the will of the said deceased of the first party advancing this work |
Et Elizabetham Alefounder relictam, Annam Fenne als Alefounder Rachaelem Sherman als Alefounder Saram Browninge als Alefounder et Susann~ Alderman als Alefounder filias naturales et ltim"as dicti defuncti in specie omnesque et singulos alios quosumque Jus titulum aut interesse in bonis Juribus et creditis, aut in testamento sive ultima voluntate dict defunct haben" seu habere petenden" in genere partes contra quas huiusmodi nego~ pmovetur partibus ex altera vertitur et pendet indeciss rite et ltime proceden"- | And Elizabeth Alefounder widow, Anne Fenne alias Alefounder Rachel Sherman alias Alefounder Sara Browninge alias Alefounder and Susan Alderman alias Alefounder natural and legitimate daughters of the said deceased in particular and each and every other and to what degree alleging holding or to hold Right title either present in goods Rights and credits, or else in the testament or last will of the said deceased in general the parties against whom such case is advanced by the parties of the other side turning and hanging undecided duly and lawfully proceeding |
Parte prefat Roberti et Johannis Alefounder executorum predict sententiam ferri et Justitiam fieri pro parte sua Prefatis vero Elizabeth Alefounder Anna Fenne Rachaele Sherman Sara Browninge et Susanna Alderman in specie omnibusque et singulis alijs quibus eunque ius titulum aut interesse in hac parte habe"n seu habero pretenden~ genere ad videndu~ testamentu~ predict defunct probari per testes rite lti"me et pemptorie citat et intimat publiceque peconizat et noncomparen~ sed contumaciter sese absentan~ | From the party already mentioned of Robert and John Alefounder executors aforesaid, bring decision and make Judgement for their party Already mentioned in truth Elizabeth Alefounder Anne Fenne Rachel Sherman Sara Browninge and Susan Alderman in particular and each and every other and all that the same right title either be present in this party having or to hold alleging the bringing forth into appearance the testament of the said deceased proving by witnesses duly lawfully and peremptorily promotes and recounts and publicly proclaims and they are not appearing but defiantly absenting themselves |
Rimatoque primitus per nos toto et integro processu in huiusmodi negotio coram nobis habito et facto ac diligenter recensit servatisque per nos de iure in hac pte servandis ad nostre sententie diffinitive sive nostri finalis decreti prolacone"m in humoi negotio ferend sic duximus pceden"d fore procedimus in hunc qui sequite modum | And examined first by us in entire and complete process to this effect on the business before us considered and composed and carefully recounted and kept by us of right in this way will keep saved up to the production of our definitive decision or our final decree to this effect that the work will bring thus we lead will proceed will be advanced in this manner which follows |
Quia per acta inactita deducta allegata exhibita propo"ita probata pariter et confessata in huiusmodi causa comperimus et luculenter invenimus partem pefatorum Roberti et Joh~is Alefounder executorum pedict intentionem suam in quadam allegatione articulata et in quodam testamento ex eorum parte in huiusmodi negotio dat et exhibit~ et admiss~ deduct | Because by acts enacted conducted pleaded produced related examined together and confessed to this effect the case we verify and splendidly find the before mentioned party Robert and John Alefounder executors aforesaid their intention in a certain articulated representation and in a certain testament from the same party to this effect in the conduct of the business given and produced and admitted |
Que quidem allegacon"em et testamentum pro hic lect et in sert habemus et haberi volumus sufficienter quoad inferius pronuntian-"d fundasse et probasse | indeed the representation and testament for this gathered and joined we hold and are holding we wish sufficiently until the last proclamation to establish and demonstrate |
Nihilque effectuale ex parte et per partem memorat omnium et singulorum tam in specie quam in genere ut prefertur citat et intimat publiceque peconizat et non comparen~ sed contumaciter sese absentan~ exceptu~ deductum allegatum propo"itum aut probatum fuisse aut esse quod intencone"m dictoru~ execut~ in hac parte elideret seu quomodolibet enervaret | and Nothing effectual from the party and for the party we recall of all and singular so in particular as in general while it is displaying promotes and relates and publicly proclaims and not appearing but stubbornly absenting itself removed conducted alleged or approved that was or is as far as the intention of the said executors in this party was struck out or howsoever weakened |
Idcirco nos Henricus Marten miles et legum doctor Iudex antedictus Christi nomine primitus invocato ac ipsum solum deum occulis [presume oculis is meant] n-'ris preponen~ et haben" deque et cum consilio iurisperitoram cum quibus in hac parte comunicavimus prenominatum Robertum Alefounder seu testatorem antedictum defunctus dum vixit mentis compotem et in sua sana memoria existen~ testamentum predictum ex pte pefati Roberti Alefounder et Johannis Alefounder executoru~ predict in huiusmodi negotio exhibit suam in secontinens vltimam voluntatem rite et ltim"e fecisse et condidisse ac in eodem sive eadem memorat Robertum Alefounder et Johannem Alefounder eius filios partes promoven~ predict executores suos nominasse et constituisse omniaque et singula voluisse legasse, dedisse et disposuisse in omnibus et per omnia prout in testament~ predict exto continetur pronuntiamus et declaramus | Therefore we Henry Marten knight and doctor of law Judge aforesaid having first invoked the name of Christ and holding this sole God in front of our eyes and from and with the advice of those experienced in the law with whom in this position we communicated proclaim and declare that the aforenamed Robert Alefounder or the late testator aforesaid while he lived was possessed of his mind and being of sound memory the aforesaid testament from the aforesaid party Robert Alefounder and John Alefounder aforesaid executors to this effect their own work produced in following the last will duly and lawfully to have caused and to have composed and in accordance with the same or likewise mention Robert Alefounder and John Alefounder his sons the aforesaid party advancing this work to name and to constitute his executors and each and every to will to bequeath, to give and to dispose in everything and for all exactly as in the testament aforesaid maintaining the executor |
Dictumque ^Rob-tum Alefounder testatorem antedictum mentis compotem et sua memoria in confirmacon"em testamenti Cui predict nomen et cognomen suu~ manu sua propria eidem subscripsisse dictumque testamentum sigillo suo sigillasse | And asserting Robert Alefounder the aforesaid testator in possession of his mind and memory in confirmation of the will Who by his very own hand his name and surname subscribed the same and asserted the aforesaid testament to have been sealed with his own seal |
Et hoc facto testamentum huiusmodi exhibitum pro suo vero et vltimo testamento ac vltima sua voluntate coram diversis testibus fidedignis agnovisse confirmasse et publicasse ad omnem iuris effectum pronuntiamus et declaramus | And we proclaim and declare this will made to this effect produced for his true and last testament and his last will before diverse credible witnesses to recognise confirm and make known to all men accomplished in law |
Dictum igie" testamentum in huiusmodi negoo exhibitum fuisse et esse et in se continere verum et vltimum testamentu~ ac vltimam voluntatem dicti Roberti Alefounder defunct Proque viribus valore et validitate eiusdem ad omnem iuris effectum pronuntiamus et declaramus | Asserting therefore the testament to this effect presented in the case was and is and in itself to comprise the true and last testament and last will of the said Robert Alefounder deceased And to all men accomplished in law we proclaim and declare for force valor and validity of the same |
Dictumque testamentum ac probacone"m et approbacone"m eiusdem al~s nominibus profatorum Roberti et Johannis Alefounder ex~rum pre-d in comuni forma habit et fact ad omnem iuris effectum ratificamus et confirmamus per hanc n"ram sententiam diffinitivam sive hoc n"ram finale decretum quam sive quod ferimus et promulgamus in hijs scriptis:/ | And the said testament and probate and previous approval of the same with the names spoken out Robert and John Alefounder joint executors aforesaid held and made to all men accomplished in law we ratify and confirm for this our definite sentence or this our final decree which or as far as we speak of and proclaim in this writing |
Lecta lata et promulgata fuit hec sententia diffinitiva per dictum Henricum Marten militem legum doctorem Curie Prerogative Cant magru"m Custodem sive Commissarium ltim"e constitutum vltima sessione termini Trinitatis die Sabbati decimo nono viz"t die mensis Junij Anno domini milli"mo sexcentesimo tricesimo in loco Consistoriali infra ecclia"m Cathedralem divi Pauli London | Read proclaimed and published was this definitive sentence by the word of Henry Marten knight doctor of law master Custodian or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted last session end Trinity Saturday namely the nineteenth day of the month of June AD 1630 in the consistory under the Cathedral church of Saint Paul London |
Judicialiter et pro Tribunali sede"n ad petitionem Georgij Cole Notarij pu"bci procuratoris pefatorum Roberti Alefounder et Johannis Alefounder ac in penam contumac~ tam prefatarum Elizabethe Alefounder, Anne Fenne a"ls Alefounder Rachaelis Sherman Als Alefounder Sare Browninge a"ls Alefounder et Susanne Alderman als Alefounder in specie quam omnium et singulorum aliorum ius titulum aut interesse in testamento vel bonis iuribus aut creditis dict defunct haben~ seu habere petenden in genere sic vt prefertur citat et intimat &c peconizat et non comparen~ &c sed sese contumaciter absentan~ | Judicially and for the tribunal sitting on the petition of George Cole Notary public agent of the aforesaid Robert Alefounder and John Alefounder and for penalty on the obstinacy as much of the aforesaid Elizabeth Alefounder, Anne Fenne alias Alefounder Rachel Sherman Alias Alefounder Sara Browninge alias Alefounder and Susan Alderman alias Alefounder in particular as of every and of all alleging the having of or to hold other right title or interest in the testament or to goods rights or credits of the said deceased in general thus when it is being announced encourages and relates etc proclaims and not appearing etc but obstinately absenting themselves |
Super cuius sententie prolacon"e dictus Cole requisivit me Robertum Erswell Notarum pubcu"m tunc pesentem ad conficien"d sibi vnum vel plura instrumenta publica ac testes &c pesentibus tunc et i-bm magris Thoma Rives Richardo Zouch Clero Talbott et Wi"llimo Mericke legum doctoribus Jacobo Jreland Humphrido Lloyd Thoma Geers et Johanne Oade Notarij pu"bcis dict curie pcuratoribus testibus &c./ Exe | Upon the production of which sentence the said Cole required me Robert Erswell Notary public then present to amass for himself one or more public documents and witnesses etc on hand then and there were Masters Thomas Rives Richard Zouch Clerk Talbott and William Mericke doctors of law Jacob Ireland Humphry Lloyd Thomas Geers and John Oade Notaries public agents witnesses etc for the said Court Exd |
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Transcribed and translated by Peter Alefounder Sep-Nov 2002 |
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