Snia~ pro valore testa-ti Roberti Alefounder

Sentence for the force of the testament of Robert Alefounder (1639)

Dedham pedigree
Dedham notes

Robert Alefounder, last will

Office copy, National Archives (Family Records Centre) London, reference PROB11/180.

This is the result of a challenge to the will of Robert Alefounder. The original sentence is in two sections, beginning "In dei nomine Amen..." and "Lecta lata...", and is split into further sections here only to maintain alignment with the translation. I make no claim to be an expert on Latin and so the translation is not guaranteed to be completely accurate. Corrections and suggestions for improvement are welcomed. Here are images of the original documents from which the transcripts of the will and sentence were made; the sentence begins part way down the third page:

Permission for the publication of these images is given by TNA in section 6.1.1 of its copyright statement.

In dei nomine Amen Auditis visis et intellectis ac plenarie et mature discussis Per nos Henricum Marten Militem legum D-corem Cur Prerogative Cant~ mag~rum Custodem sive Comissarium l-time constitutum Meritis et Circumstancijs cuiusdam negotij Testamentarij sive pro baconis Testamenti p Testes Roberti Alefounder Senioris nuper de East bergholt in Com~ Suffolcke Defunct In the Name of God Amen Hearing viewing understanding and a complete and perfect examination by us Henry Marten Knight doctor of law master Custodian or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the merits and circumstances of a certain testamentary work or probated will of the testator Robert Alefounder the elder late of East bergholt in the County of Suffolk Deceased
habentis dum vixit et mortis sue tempore bona iura sive cre-d in diu~sis Diocesibus sive peculiaribus iurisb~us Sufficien~ ad fundan-d Jurisuem Curie pre-d Cant quod coram nobis in Judicio Inter Robertum Alefounder filium nral-em et l-timam et Executorem Testamenti dicti Defunctj partem hinos negotium promoven~ ex una, having during his life and at the time of his death goods rights or credits in various Dioceses or with peculiar jurisdiction Sufficiently near totally within the Jurisdiction of the aforesaid Court of Canterbury which is before us in Judgement Between Robert Alefounder natural and legitimate son and Executor of the Testament of the said Deceased of the first party advancing this work
et Johannem Alefounder filium etiam nral-em et l-timn~ dict Defunct partem contra quam idem negotium promovetur pribus ex altera vertitur adhuc et pendet indecis-s rite et l-time pceden~ and John Alefounder also a natural and legitimate son of the said Deceased the party against which the same case is advanced by the other party turning thus far and hanging undecided duly and lawfully proceeding
Partibus pre-dicis p earum Proc~ures coram Nobis in Judicio l-time comparen~ Parteque pefati Roberti Alefounder Executoris antedicti Sm~am ferri et Justiciam fieri pro parte sua Parte vero memorat Johannis Alefounder Justiciam etiam pro parte sua instanter respe- postulan~ et peten~ The aforesaid parties by their agents before Us in Judgement lawfully appearing And the aforesaid party Robert Alefounder aforesaid Executor vehemently regarded demanded and asked for Decision to be brought and Judgement to be made for his party The party mentioned in truth John Alefounder also vehemently regarded demanded and asked for Judgement for his party
Rimatoque primitus p Nos toto et integro processu in h-moj causa cora~ nobis habit et fact ac diligenter recensit Servatisque p Nos de iure in hac pte servandis ad nostra S~mie diffinitive sive nostri finalis Decreti in h-moj C-a feren~d prolaco~em sic duximus pceden-d fore et pcedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum And examined first by us in entire and complete process to this effect the case before us considered and composed and carefully recounted and kept by us of right in this way will keep until the production of our definitive decision or our final decree to this effect that the work will bring thus we lead will proceed will be advanced in this manner which follows
Quia p acta inactitat deducta allegata exhibitu ppo~ita pariter et probata in h-moj Causa comperimus luculente~ et invenimus partem antedicti Roberti Alefounder Executoris antedict intenco~em sua~ in quibusdam Allegac~oe et t-esto ex parte sua in h~moj nego~co fact admi-ss et exhibit deductam. Because by acts enacted conducted pleaded furnished related together and examined to this effect The case we splendidly find and discover the aforesaid party Robert Alefounder Executor aforesaid his intention in a certain representation and evidence from his party to this effect in the conduct of the business done admitted and produced
Que quidem Allegaco~em et Testamentum pro hic lect et insert habemus et h-eri volumus sufficienter et ad plenum quoad infra pnuncian-d fundasse et pbasse And indeed the Representation and Testament for this gathered and joined we hold and are holding we wish sufficiently and fully until after the proclaimation to establish and demonstrate
Nihilque effectuale fuisse aut esse ex parte dicti Johannis Alefounder in hac parte exceptum deduct allegatu~ exhibitu~ propoi~tium aut probatum quod intenco~em antedicti Roberti Alefounder Executoris pred- in hac parte elideret seu quomodol-et enervaret And nothing effectual to have been or to be from the party of the said John Alefounder in this party removed deduced pleaded furnished related or approved insofar as the intention of the aforesaid Robert Alefounder Executor aforesaid in this party should be destroyed or somehow impaired and weakened
Idcirco Nos Henricus Marten miles et legu~ D-cor Iudex anted-cus x~pi nomine primitus invocato ac ipsum solum Deum oculis nostris peponen~ et haben~ deque et cum Consilio Iurisperitorum cum quibus in hac parte Co~icavimus malureque [presume matureque is meant] deliberavimus Therefore we Henry Marten knight and doctor of law Judge aforesaid having to begin with invoked the name of Christ and will place and hold this only God in front of our eyes and from and with the Advice of those experienced in the law with whom in this party we took counsel and in time we considered
Prenoiatu~ Robertum Alefounder Seniorem defuncti dum vixit mentis compotem et in sua sana memoria existentem Testamentum suu~ in h-moj neg~oco exhibitu~ suam in se continen~ vltimam voluntatem rite et l-time fecisse et condidisse Ac in eodem sive eadem pefatum Robertum Alefounder eius filium Executorem dicti sui Testamenti sive vltima votis nominasse ordinasse et constituisse Omniaque et singula voluisse legasse dedisse donasse et disposuisse in omnibus et p omnia prout in d-co Testamento exto continetur The aforenamed Robert Alefounder the elder deceased while he lived was possessed of his mind and being of sound memory his Testament to this effect presented his own work in itself we maintain the last will duly and lawfully made and composed And in the same or the same aforementioned Robert Alefounder his son aforesaid Executor of his Testament or last will named ordained and appointed and each and everything willed bequeathed given bestowed and disposed to All and for each as in the said Testament on record maintained
Proque viribus valore et validitate dicti Testamenti et p Jurisne nostra in hac parte pnunciamus et declaramus And for force valor and validity of the said Testament and for our jurisdiction in this part we proclaim and declare
Dc~umque Testamentum nomine pefat Roberti Alefounder Executoris pred- pban-d approban-d et insinuan-d fore decernimus p hanc nostram Sn~iam diffinitivam sive hoc nostrum finale Decretum Quam sive quod ferimus et pmulgamus in his scriptis And the said testament with the name mentioned Robert Alefounder about to execute aforesaid about to be proved approved and insinuated maintaining we decide for this our definite Sentence or our final decree Which or as far as we tell and proclaim in this writing
Lecta lata et pmulgata fuit hec Sententia diffinitiva p dc~um Henricum Marten militem legum D-corem Curie Prerogative Cant Magrum~ Custodem sive Comi-ssarium l-time constitutum secunda Sessione Termini Trinitatis die Martis Decimo octavo vizt die mensis Junij Anno D-ni Millmo sexcen-timo tricesimo nono in loco Consistorialj infra Ecc-lium Cath-em Divi Paulj London this definitive sentence was Read carried and published by the word of Henry Marten knight Doctor of law master Custodian or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the second Session End Trinity namely Tuesday the Eighteenth day of June AD1639 in the consistory under the Cathedral church of Saint Paul London
judicialiter et pro Tribunalj seden~ Ad petico~em Georgij Gaell Notarij publocj Procu~ris dict Roberti Alefounder ac in pe~tiu Johanis Roberts Notarij publicj Procu~ris dicti Johnis Alefounder judicially and for the Tribunal sitting On the petition of George Gaell Notary public agent for the aforesaid Robert Alefounder and on the petition of John Roberts Notary public agent for the aforesaid John Alefounder
Super cuius Sn~ie placo~ d-cus Gael requisivit me Robertum Erswell Notarm~ pubm tunc p~ntem ad conficien-d sibi vnum vel plura instrumenta publica ac testes &c p~ntibus tunc et i-bm Ma~gris Thoma Gwynne Arthur Ducke Thoma Eden et Johanne Exton legum dcoribus Henrico Iremonger Thoma Geers Johanne Allen et Humfrido Terricke Notarijs publicis dict Curie pcurib-us Testibus &c. Exr Upon the production of which sentence the said Gael required me Robert Erswell Notary public then present to amass for himself one or more public documents and witnesses etc on hand then and there were Masters Thomas Gwynne Arthur Ducke Thomas Eden and John Exton doctors of law Henry Iremonger Thomas Geers John Allen and Humphery Terricke Notaries public agents witnesses etc. for the said Court Exr

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Transcribed and translated by Peter Alefounder Sep-Nov 2002

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