Original will, Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich branch, reference IC/AA1/144B/82 (second page could not be copied, but has been transcribed from the original)
[Written on back]
Mr Alefounder
being my Last Will wrighten wth my own hand being dated the Leaventh of
December 1713 by me Robt Allfounder
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Allfounder of Debenham in the County
of Suffolke Malster being of Sound and perfect mind & memory thanks be to
allmighty God for the Same But knowing the vncertainty of this life and the
Certainty of death Do Make and ordaine this my last will & testament in
manner & forme following Imprs I cõmend my Soul into the
hands of Allmighty God that Gave it me and my Body to be decently Interred att
the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named in Debenham Church Yard near
vnto my Children and a Grave Stone to be laid over me And as to that
Estate that God hath of his great goodness lent vnto me in this life I dispose
thereof as followeth First I Give vnto Mary my loveing wife all that my farme
in Mickfeild now in the tenure or occupacõn of William Simpson or
^his assignes To hold to her the said Mary for and
dureing the terme of her Naturall life and after her decease I do Give and
bequeath the same vnto my son Robert Allfounder for and dureing the terme of
his Naturall life and after his decease to the heirs Male of the said Robert
Allfounder my son lawfully to be begotten and for want of Such issue male to
the daughter or daughters of the said Robert Allfounder my son lawfully to be
begotten and their heirs. Butt if shall itt shall happen that
my said son Robert should depart this life and leave no heirs neither Male nor
female Then I Give and bequeath all my said farme vnto my loveing Sister Mary
Kent of Much Oakley in the county of Essex Widdow for and during the terme of
her Naturall life and after her decease I do Give all that farme aforesaid vnto
the Children of my said Sister Mary Kent begotten of her body that shall be
then liveing to be Equally devided amongst them share and share alike and as
any of them depart this life then his her or their parte to be Equally devided
amongst the survivours of them share and share alike and their heirs for Ever
Item I Give and bequeath vnto my said Son Robert All those my Estates situate
lyeing and being in Debenham aforesaid (That is to Say) my dwelling house
Malting and Brewhouse now in my Owne occupacõn the Bucks head late in
the Occupacõn of Sarah Smith Spinster My farme in Hayes Way now in the
occupacõn of Symon Moyle the half Moone in the Occupacõn of Robert
Earne and one meadow which I purchased of William Turpin with all and Singular
the appurtences vnto them belonging To hold vnto him my said son Robert
for and during the terme of his naturall life and after his decease to the
heirs Male of the sd Robert my son lawfully to be begotten according
to their priority of Birth and Seniority of Age and their heirs respectively
and for want of such Issue to the daughter or daughters of the said Robert my
Son lawfully to be begotten as aforesaid and their heires and my Mind and Will
is that if my said son Robert shall leave no heir Male nor female lawfully
begotten of his body Then I bequeath all that my Estate in Debenham aforesaid
with all their appurteñtes vnto my said loveing sister Mary Kent for and
dureing the terme of her Naturall life and after her decease I do Give and
bequeath the said last mencõned Estates lyeing in Debenham aforesaid
vnto and amongst the Children of my said sister begotten of her body that shall
be then liveing to be Equally devided amongst them share and share alike and
their heirs respectively Item I Give my personall Estate whatsoever and
wheresoever the same be ^to be sold by my Executors
hereinafter named for the payment of my just debts legacies funerall Charges
and probate of this my Will And for the Recovery of a legacy due to me in right
of my Wife from my Mother in in law Mrs Grace Garnies & was
Given to her by my father in law Mr John Garnies And further
my mind and Will is that my Executors shall receive all my Rents and arrearages
of rent of my Estate in Debenham and improve the moneys that shall Come into
their hands to the best advantage whether by Interest or otherwise and also
what moneys shall be over plus after the payment of my just debts and Charges
as aforesaid I do Give vnto my said son Robert if he shall attaine to the age
of One and twenty years But if he shall depart this life before the said Age
& have no Child or Children of his hody lawfully begotten Then I Give all
the said ^over plus moneys that shall so be in my
Executors hands as aforesaid vnto my sd loveing sister
Mary Kent and if she should be departed this life before my said son Then I
Give all the said Moneys as aforesaid vnto and amongst all my said Sister Mary
Kents Children to be Equally devided between them share & share alike Item
I Give vnto my Aunt Mrs Elizabeth Feild One Gold Ring Item I Give
vnto my Kinswoman Mrs Mary Feild of Clacton in the County of Essex
One Gold Ring. Item I Give vnto my Aunt Mrs Jane Garneis One Gold
Ring the value of which said Rings I leave to the discretion of my Executors
Item I Give the sum-e of forty shillings to be laid out in Bread to
be distributed ampng the poor in Debenham aforesaid And lastly I do nominate
and Appoint my Cozen William Feild of Much Clacton in the County of Essex
^aforesaid gent And my very loveing Freind and Kinsman John Garneis
of Kenton aforesaid gent Executors of this my last will & testament and do
Give vnto them the sum-e of five pounds apeice besides Each of them
a Gold Ring for and in Consideration of the care and paines to be taken in the
Execution and performance of this my last will In witness that this is my last
Will and testament I have vnto every page therof being two in number Subscribed
my Name with mine Owne hand and seale & them with mine owne Seale and
published and declared the same to be my last will and testament this Eleaventh
day of December in the twelveth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne
by the Grace of God of great Brittaine France and Ireland Queen Defender of the
faith &c. annoqer Dni- 1713
Robt Allfounder
Signed Sealed published and declared by the sd testator Robert Alefounder to be his last Will & testament in the presence of vs
29o Octob 1715 |
Probatum fuit hoc testamtis apud Gippum Coram ma-gro Thoma Cornwallis Ch-ro Artiu- ma-gro surrogato venlis viri Georgij Raymond Artiu- mage-i in et per totum Arc-hinatum Suff: Countij lt-ime constituti vicesimo nono die mensis Octobris Anno Dñi 1715o Juramento Guliemi Field vnius Executoris in eodem noiat Cui comissa fuit adm-stratio bonoru- &c de bene &c jurat &c salvo &c Reservata- potestate Johanni Garnies alteri Executori in dicte testamento noiat ?fuinse onus in se acceptatue- vel refutatie- cum venerit/
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994, 1999 |
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