Office copy, National Archives (Family Records Centre) London, reference PROB11/1121, folios 159LH-159RH. Here are images of the original document from which the following transcript was made:
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In the Name of God Amen I Robt. Alefounder of Woolwich in the County of Kent Surveyor of the Customs (being of perfect Mind and memory make this my last Will and Testament First I desire to be decently buried and that my Funeral charges with all of my Debts be paid by my Executrix my temporal Estate I bequeath and dispose of in the following manner Imprimis to my sister Mary Dawson one hundred pounds Bank Stock in the three per cents consolidated Item to my Brother John Alefounder Five pounds for mourning Item to my Sister Elizabeth Dawson one hundred pound Bank Stock in the three per Cents consolidated Item to my Sister Sarah Kendall one hundred pound Bank Stock in the three per Cents Consolidated Item to my Nephew Philip Havens two hundred Pound Bank Stock in the three per Cents consolidated as also my Dressing table, Bason, Boltle and Chamber Pot, China ware Item to my Nephew George Alefounder twenty five Guineas Item to my Nephew Robert Alefounder one hundred pounds in the three per cents consolidated to be paid him at the age of eighteen years and for him to be paid the Interest of the said one hundred annually by my Executrix, and in case he should die, before he arrives at the Age of eighteen the said one hundred pound stock to be the property of my Executrix Item to my Niece Ann Havens Fifty pounds Stock in the 3Pr. Cents Consolidated Item, to my Niece Lucy Havens Fifty pound Stock in the three per Cents consolidated Item to my Nephew Robt. Havens fifty pound stock in the three per Cent consolidated Item, to my Nephew John Alefounder five pounds for mourning Item to Mr. Thos. Mr. Isaac and Mr. Jas. Boggis a very handsome Mourning ring each the residue and remainder of my Estate with my Goods &c. and all arrears due to me with all other Properties of what kind soever to me appertaining I give devise and bequeath to my Sister Lucy Havens whom I constitute and appoint my whole and sole Executrix, who I desire will pay the above Legacies as soon as convenient and I so hereby utterly revoke disallow and disanul all former Wills and Legacies by me in any wise left and made declaring this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty second day of June and in the year of our Lord 1784 Robt. Alefounder [LS] Signed Sealed published and declared by the within named Testator Robert Alefounder to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us who subscribed our Names in presence of the said Testator and of each other Jos: Green, John Foslick
This Will was proved at London the twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four before the Worshipful Andrew Colter Ducarel Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the right Worshipful Peter Calvert also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Lucy Havens Widow the sister of the deceased and sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to administer Ex:
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994 |
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