Original will, Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds branch, reference IC500/1/44/95.
[Untidy document. No attempt made to note where bits crossed out or added later]
In the name of god Amen. vppon Tewsday beinge the last day of Janvarye 1586 anno xxixnto Re Elizabeth &c I Rychard Tyler alias aleyfounder of Sudburye in the covntie of Suff husbandman lyenge syke vpon his bed but beinge in pfecte minde & memorye thankes be to god ded make this his last will & Testament nvncvpative in thes wordes follewnge viz he called Alice his wife to him & sayde to hir woman I gyve the all thatt euer I have & make the my sole executrice and further yf thow levist any thinge I will itt be equally devidid amongest my brothers children & after the dedase of my wife I will my howse shalle svlid & equally devidid or ptid amonge my sayd brothers children pte & pte a lyke / And yf any of them do molest or Trobell my wyfe I will thatt thay thatt do so molest hir shall have no pte in the same And also I will that yf my wife leve any goodes after hir dedase I will they also shalbe ptid and deuidyd equally amongest my said brothers children In the psence of vs Rychard Hersfelle The mrke + of Rt Oreme Robarde Harrlere
Test.. Probate apud Sudburye Coram mro Jose~ Doye Legu~ Doctore Com~issar et oficiali &c xxijdo Aprilio 1587 Juramto Alice relict et exec &c cui comissa fuit Ado bonor &c salvo &c Inventer extendit ad ... uia - 3li 12s 2d
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Transcribed by Peter Alefounder 1994 |
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