Office copy, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Kent Archives Service, reference PRC/17/30/211b
In the name of god amen the viijth day of the monethe of Octobre in the yere of our lord god a thousand fyve hundred fightye and fyve. I Thomas Fynche of the parishe of Kingsdowne in the Countye of Kente gent. beyng hole in mynde and of good and p[er]ftte remebraunce thancks be to almightie god make and ordeyne this my prese[nt] testamente and last will in manner and forme folowynge that is to say. First I bequethe my soule to the mercye of almighty god and my body to be buried in the p[ar]ishe of the Subdeanrye wtin the churche of Chichester in Sussex at the Discretion[n] of myne Executors. Item I will ther be bestowyed at my buriall in Deads of charytye xls Item I will that ther be bestowed at my monthe Daye lykewise a xxs at the Discretion of myne Executors and overseers Item I will ther be bestowed to the lyke vse as my yeres days a xxs all the sayd monney to be payd in chicester afor sayd Item I give and bequethe to Margaret my wife fortye pounds Item I give and bequethe to Katheryne my Daughter a hundred pounds. Item I give and bequethe to Jan[e] my daughter too hundred marks The residwe of my movables my Debts and legacyes and funerall expencs beyng payd I give and bequethe to Margaret my Wyfe and to Raphe my sone. The whiche Margaret and Raphe I Doo ordeyne and make my Executors of this my Presente Testamente and last Will. And my Brothers Nycolas Fynche and Roger Fynche overseers of the same And I will that the sayd Nicholas fynche haue for his labor my best geldyng And the sayd Roger my second geldinge
This is the laste will of me the forsayd Thom[a]s
Fynche made the day and yere abovesayd concernyge
the Disposings of all my Lands and Tenemet[ent]s W[th]in
the Countye of Kente First I will & bequeth
to margaret my wife my pryncipall howse w[th]ing
the parishe of Faversh[a]m called Ewell and
all the Lands to the same belonging set lyenge
and beynge in Faversh[a]m graveney & goodnestay
and xxxli shepes pasture in Hartye Durynge
her naturall lyf And also I give to ye
sayd margaret a xxxs by the yere within the
pishe of whitstable lately in thoccupie[n]g of Thom[a]s
Collens for tearme of her lyfe naturall
Also I give and bequethe to the same margarete my house
in Faversh[a]m in the whiche nowe Dwellithe Stephine Motte
Jurate of the same towne During her naturall lif. Also I give
and bequethe to the same Margarete my cherye garden set
lyenge and beynge wtin the parisshe of Lynstede nowe in the
occupieng of Thomas goddye citizen and fruterer of the citye
of London Duringe her naturall lif Also I give & bequeth
to Mary Lee my wifes mother my Newe house in Faversh[a]m
wth the Backeside and Keye: therunto belonginge for tearme of
her lyf naturall And after her decesse I give and bequeth
the sayd house with thapportenncis to margaret my wyf
During her naturall lif. Also I will that the sayd margaret
shall susteyne the neaccy repatyens tenanntelyke of all and
singuler the sayd Lands and ten~nits Duringe her naturall life
And for not fyndynge the sayd Landes and ten~nits suffycietlye
repayred as is aforesayd the sayd margaret shall lose
the cherye garden aforesayd and the aforsayd Lands of xxxs
by the yere in Whitstabell. And then I will that after suche
defaulte the sayd chery garden and lands of xxxs by ye yere
in Whitstable shall remeyne and be vnto Raphe my sone in
fee symple. Item I give and bequeth to Raphe my Sone
the mannor of Kyngisdowne with all other my howsings woods
Lands and rentes lyeng and beyng in the parishes of
Kingisdowne and mylkestede to him in fee symple. Item I give
and bequethe after the decesse of mary Lee my wiffes mother
and margaret my Wif my principall house wtin the
parishe of faversh[a]m called Ewell with all my Lands
beyng in faversh[a]m goodnestey and graveney with the
xxx shepe pasture in Hartye and my newe house in
faversh[a]m and a nother house ther in the whiche Stephine
Motte Dwellithe in. My chery garden in Lynstede and xxxs
by the yere in whitstable to Raphe my son[n]e in fee symple.
Item I give and bequethe to John my son[n]e my pryncipall
house in Maideston called Loddington[n] with all other my lands
tenn~ts and howsies set lyeng and beying in Maiseston Lynton
Marden and Farleigh in fee symple Condycyonally that
Margaret my Wif and Raphe my sone shall receyve the
issues and proffittes therof vntill suche tyme as the sayd
John my sone shall come to thage of xxij yeres. And the said
Margaret and Raphe to pay to the sayd John my sone
twelve pounds by the yere Vntill suche tyme as the said
John come to thage aforsayd Item I will that the sayde
Margaret and Raphe shall fynde all suche tymbre worke
as shalbe requisite and nedeful aboute the sayd howses
vnto the tyme the sayd John come to thage aforesaid It[e]m
I give and bequethe to Katheryn my Daughter so longe as
she Kepithe her self sole fyve pounds by yere Which
sayd five pounds shall arrise owt of the sayd howsses
and Lands called Loddington. And if she happen to marye
that then I will she shall haue a hundred pounds onlye
to be payde to her of the overplus of the Lands of loddigton
vnto suche tyme as the sayd hundred pounds be full payd
res[er]vyng xijli therof every yere to the sayd John my son
It[e]m I give to my brother Willia[m] merchall one portegewe It[e]m
I give to my cosyne Edmonde hyegate one Sovereigne of the
value of xxxs It[e]m I give to my cosyn george fynche
one sovereigne It[e]m I give to my cosyn Thom[a]s fynche one
Sovereigne It[e]m I give to my cosyn Robert fagg one soverigne
It[em] I give to my cosin henry fynche one sovereigne It[e]m I give
to my cosin Erasmus finche one Sovereigne It[e]m I give to my
cosyne Brigget Potter one Sovereigne It[em] I give to my cosin
friswide potter one sovereigne Ite]m I give to J[o]hn Samwell
my sarvnte one yeres Wages farme of the house that he
Dwellithe in It[e]m I give to wyborowe marks my mayde
fortye shillings It[e]m I give to my cosine Elisabeth
Motte fyve marks It[e]m I give to william foster my
sarvite xxs It[e]m I give to william Perin my
sarvnte all suche Debts as the sayd william oweth me
All whiche monney as I haue before bequethed to my
Kynesmen and sarvnntts I wilbe payd ymmediatly after
my monthesmynde And my Executors shall have the
Rule of my daughters And I will my Daughters
monneye before bequethed to them shalbe paide owt of the
Revenues of the Lands at Loddington as it will arrise
Witnesse herof Robert harrison Thom[a]s godfrey Thom[a]s
Busbridge Robert fagge and other
Probatum fuit presens testamentum Vndeci[m]o Die menss Decembris Anno Dni Mi~llmo quugmomeu quinquagesimo qui[n]to Jurats Thome godfrey et Roberti fagge testin~ Ac approbatum &c Omisq[us] executois com[m]issum et executoribus noiats Jurates
Transcribed by Peter Alefounder April-May 2023 |