Original records at Essex Record Office, Colchester
Index to copyhold land 1598-1735
Court Rolls, 1778-1804
Date | Names | details | land | reference |
14 Apr 1598 38El | William Nevard; Anne Nevard | WN sole son and heir of WN deceased adm, AN his mother his guardian | parcel of wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of a wood cont 10A of wareland | D/DU 457/2/2 |
5 Sep 1599 41El | Mary, Ann & Susan Nevard sisters; William Nevard; Ann Howe widow | M,A&S N coheirs of WN deceased adm to land, AH their mother their guardian | parcel of wood cont 5A of Wareland parcel of a wood cont 10A of wareland | D/DU 457/2/2 |
31 Aug 1609 7Js | Robert Alefounder; William Benteley, Mary his wife | RA adm on surr of WB&M | 1/3 part of 2 parcels of Wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of a wood cont 10A of Wareland parcel of Hunts alias Wmat Hatches | D/DU 457/2/2 |
7 Sep 1612 10Js | An Nevard; Robert Alefounder | AN surr to RA | 1/3 of 2 parcels of wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of wood cont 10A of wareland parcel of Hunts | D/DU 457/2/2 |
9 Sep 1612 10Js | Robert Alefounder | RA adm on said surr | ||
18 Apr 1616 14Js | Robert Alefounder; Nathaniel Salmon, Susan his wife | RA adm on surr of NS&S to her land; fine 10s | 1/3 of 2 parcels of wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of wood cont 10A of wareland parcel of Hunts | D/DU 457/2/2 |
16 May 1627 3C | Robert Alefounder; Robert Potter; George Gobey | RA surr to RP | little close of wood cont 2A on land of RP & GG being 5A of wood called Warland parcel of Hunts, on land of RP and GG | D/DU 457/2/2 |
27 Sep 1627 3C | Robert Goby; Robert Potter; Robert Alefounder of Dedham | RG adm on adm & surr of RP; RP to pay RA £10 on 19 Feb next & 8d pa quittrent & for 21d pa for the 5A |
D/DU 457/2/2 |
28 Apr 1629 5C | Robert Alefounder; Ezekiel Cole | RA surr to EC | all that wood in Langham called Hunts cont 4A | D/DU 457/2/2 |
18 Dec 1654 6C2 | Ezekiel Cole; John Clerk | EC surr to JC, JC adm, fine 20s | Alefounders Wood cont 22A with tents & buildings | D/DU 457/2/2 |
26 Sep 1667 19C2 | Rose wid of John Clerk, wife of John Somes | R adm on surr will & death of JC for her life; p&e fine 64s, W fine 4s, A t&w fine 20s, Whites fine 2s | packs & earles cont 40A & 1 tent; Wents tent; Alefounders tent & wood cont 22A; Whites tent &8A | D/DU 457/2/2 |
17 May 1688 4J2 | Edward Clerke; John Clerke, the said Rose; Ezekiel Cole | EC adm on surr will & death of JC & on death of R | Earles 20A adjoining & 3A ... & 20A called Alefounders wood once Ezek Cole | D/DU 457/2/2 |
27 Jun 1726 12G | Samuel Parrish | SP grandson adm, SP his father ... | ... lands cont 20A called Alefounders wood ... | D/DU 457/2/2 |
24 Nov 1733 7G2 | Samuel Parrish; Samuel Young of Langham yeoman | SP surr land in occ SY to the said SY | tent & lands cont 20A called Alefounders wood | D/DU 457/2/2 |
5 May 1735 8G2 | Samuel Young | SY adm on the said surr, fine 3s 10d pa & surr to his will | tent & lands called Alefounders wood | D/DU 457/2/2 |
2 Apr 1778 | Mr Henry Nunn of Manningtree surgeon; Mr Thomas Blyth farmer; Samuel Alston of Nayland, Suffolk Gent.; George Courtman; George Watson | Surrender HN to TB, before SA steward | Tenement and cust land by estimation 20 acres more or less called Alefounders Wood; wood or land formerly wood called Cattswent Wood by est 8 acres between lands formerly GC and GW upon part of Cattswent on part of the North and upon Frosts Grove on the South | D/DU 133/3 |
4 May 1778 | Thomas Blythe; Jacob Hinde esq; Samuel Alston | JH Lord of the Manor; SA steward. Recites above; TB adm |
D/DU 133/7 |
1 Jun 1795 | Mrs Blyth; Thomas Blyth; Henry Nunn | Adm of Mrs B on death of her husband; TB having been adm on surr HN and surr to his will. AW held by annual rent 3s 10d, CW rent 2s. | messuage with cust land cont by est 20 acres called Alefounders Wood; land formerly a wood called Cattswent Wood est 8 acres | D/DU 133/6 |
24 Sep 1804 | James Blyth; Mary Blyth widow | ref to court 1 Jun 1795, MB adm and surr to her will; MB died since last court and before this; JB brings probate copy of will leaving him the land; JB adm | All land held by MB | D/DU 133/11 |
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Last updated 16th September 2003 by Peter Alefounder |
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