Manors of Lawford Hall, Chick St Osyth and Great & Little Clacton, Essex

Original records at Essex Record Office, Colchester

 Dedham pedigree

 List of manorial records examined

 Dedham notes

 Manorial terms, abbreviations etc.

Summary of Alefounder references

Manor of Lawford Hall

Date Names details land reference
14 Apr 1670 Mr John Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2 p1
21 Jan 1675 Mathew Alfounder surr to his will all land held of manor D/DU 250/2 p7
John Hawes gent, Thomas Peeke gent, James Sidey, Mathew Alfounder, John Elmes, John Addams, John Carter, John Baxter All customary tenants, they owe "sect" and one of them must bring 12d
D/DU 250/2 p7
24 Oct 29Car2 [1677] Mathew Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
27 Mar 1678 Matthew Hickeringill adm
D/DU 250/2
16 Oct 1678 Mathew Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
9 Dec 31Car2 [1679] Mathew Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
9 Feb 33Car2 [1680/1] Mathew Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
23 Mar 33Car2 [1680/1] Mathew Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
28 Dec 1681 Mathew Alfounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
27 Apr 1683 Mathew Alefounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
30 Oct 1683 Mathew Alefounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
28 Dec 1685 Mathew Alefounder Homage
D/DU 250/2
1 Feb 1692 Mathew Alfounder; Thomas Francis; John Crosse; Robert Mason clothier [damaged, bits at edge missing] 29 Apr last MA surr land to RM, fine £7; TF and JC cust tenants wits; RM surr to his will Broads Sabbs and Farthings, total 46 acres D/DU 250/2

Manor of Chick St Osyth
Index book 1669-1732

Date Names details land reference
30 Jly 1691 Thomas Taylor TT adm
D/DCr M32
30 Jly 1696 Elizabeth Alefounder, Elizabeth Pice EA and EP adm
11 Sep 1701 John Alefounder JA adm
3 Oct 1701 John Alefounder JA adm

Other end of book has index for
Clacton Magna & Parva

3 Jan 1698 John Alefounder JA adm

Manor of Great and Little Clacton

Date Names details land reference
31 Jly 1677 Thomas Cozins chirugeon, Mary his wife; John Cawde; John Pipple 19 Jan 23Car2 [1671/2] TC adm; now TC surr to TC & M & the longer surviving, then to heirs of M. Fine £3. 1 tenement 5 A fallow land called Lowis, 1 croft parcel of Sabornes, 2 pightles or crofts parcel of 15 A next to East of Colbenstye cont 10 A sometime JC's parcel of Sabornes from surr of JP D/DCr M17
3 Jan 1698 Thomas Cousins, Chirugeon, Mary his wife; John Caur?e; John Alefounder; George Feild JA's friend and attorney 31 Jly 1677 TC & M adm for life and life of longer living of them, thence to heirs of M from surr of TC; M died long ago; TC died after last court and before this; JA only brother of M and next heir; GF in court for JA; JA adm. Fine £6. tenement and 5 A fallow land called Lowys, 1 croft land parcel of Sabernes, 2 pightles or crofts parcel of 14 A to East of Colbynstye cont 10 A once JC's parcel of Sabernes D/DCr M18 p41
28 Jly 1699 Francis Hedge; John Alefounder of Limehouse par of Stepney Middx navifex; Martha his wife; Daniel Smyth Gent; Thomas Pupples; Thomas Cousins of Gt Clacton chirugeon 13 Feb last; JA & M out of court, before DS steward, surr land sometime ?purchased from TP by TC and came to JA after death of TC; JA adm 3 Jan last; surr to FH; now FH adm. Fine £4. messuage or tenement appleyard 5 strips land arable and pasture 1 of which fallow, in total 18 acres more or less in Gt Clacton abutted over Cobbin Green D/DCr M18 p43

Manor of Burnham with Mangapp

Date Names details land reference
26 Nov 1798 John King of Burnham victualler; Daniel Alefounder and his wife Hannah; Sir Henry Paulet Saint John Mildmay bart. and his wife Dame June; John Oxley Parker Adm of JK on surr of DA and H. Court of Sir HPSJM and J; Steward JOP Piece of land from Two Pit Field, abutting N on lands of JK, E & S on said Field, W on public highway D/DGe 329


Last updated 5th July 2004 by Peter Alefounder
