Manor of Weeley, Essex

Original records at Essex Record Office, Colchester

 Dedham pedigree

 List of manorial records examined

 Dedham notes

 Manorial terms, abbreviations etc.

Summary of Alefounder references in the Court Records 1696-1793






16 Sep 1708 Thomas Sadler, his father William Sadler; Robert Alefounder; Daniel Smyth junior; Michael Trannum Recovery (document damaged, cannot read all details). TS had land from his father WS. Somehow RA and possibly DS got land; MT vouchee; ends with TS surr to his will 1 messuage or tenement in Weeley, 30 acres, called Woods and Mellet, TS adm last day July 1678 after death of WS. D/DU6/1 pp19-20
9 Mar 1708 Robert Alefounder; Thomas Sadler; Ann Alefounder Refers to court 10[sic] Sep 1708, TS after recovery, surr to his will, he now dead; herriot 1 cow worth £3; TS will dated 24 Nov with probate, cousin RA to inherit land in Weeleigh, in occ RA and his sister AA; RA adm and surr to his will 1 messuage or tenement and 30 acres land in Weeleigh called Woods and Mellet D/DU6/1 p21
2 Jan 1710 Matthew Alefounder; Robert Alefounder RA, after last court [21 Sep 1710] and before this, died; herriot 1 cow worth £3; Ref to court 9 Mar 1708 RA surr to his will; His will dated 17 Oct 1710 leaves land to bro MA; MA adm and surr to his will 1 messuage and 30 acres D/DU6/1 p23
19 Apr 1711 Matthew Alefounder Homage
D/DU6/1 p25
16 Jun 1715 Matthew Alefounder Homage
28 Apr 1720 Thomas Alefounder, Matthew Alefounder, Robert Alefounder, John Alefounder Ref to court 2 Jan 1710 MA and lawful heirs adm to land of RA under his will (remainders to JA); MA died after last court [24 Mar 1719] and before this, (ref to herriot £3),TA next heir to bro JA (doc worn, see note); TA adm and surr to his will 1 messuage and 30 acres D/DU6/1 pp35-36
19 Jly 1722 Thomas Alefounder Homage
D/DU6/1 p38
9 Aug 1722 Thomas Alefounder TA died seised after last court and before this, ref to heriot 1 cow value £3, homage does not know heirs 30 A cust; free land called Carters annual rent 18s 1d, and also free land annual rent 3s, plus 8s 1d for relief &c D/DU6/1 p38
29 Jly 1763 Thomas Alefounder of Nayland Suffolk schoolmaster; John Burnby; William Munt; Susannah Cole widow; John Lay of Little Hockley Essex; John Vanderzee gent 14 Jun 1760 cond surr, TA to JL; JB and WM copyholders wits; for £400 plus interest as in an Indenture; JV in place of Lords Bailiff Barn with Lands and appts 30 A more or less in occ SC or her assigns and all other customary land held of Weeleigh D/DU6/3 fo 40
8 Aug 1764 Thomas Alefounder of Nayland Suffolk schoolmaster; Samuel Alston; Sarah Savill; John Hockford 31 Dec 1763 TA surr to his will; SA in place of Lords Bailiff; SS and JH copyholders wits All land held by copy of court roll D/DU6/3 fo 41v
30 Jly 1766 Thomas Alefounder of Nayland Suffolk schoolmaster; Peregrine D'Oyley the younger gent; John Borodell; John Burnby; Susannah Cole widow; John Lay 9 Mar 1765 Cond surr, TA to JL; PD'O instead of Lords Bailiff; JB and JB copyholders wits; for £750 (of which £400 previously mentioned 14 Jun 1760) plus interest as in an Indenture Barn with land and appts 230 A more or less in occ SC or her assigns D/DU6/3 fo 46v
30 Jly 1770 Alefounder; Foster crossed out marginal note: abs surr A to F to come in here from fo65
D/DU6/3 fo 58
30 Jly 1772 Thomas Alefounder of Nayland Suffolk schoolmaster; Samuel Alston gent.; Danl. Partridge; John Barnby; Susannah Cole widow; Richard Hayward; Bennett Foster of East Donyland Essex 1 Jun 1772; surr TA to BF; SA in place of Lords Bailiff; DP and JB copyholders wits; BF did not attend court to take adm; 1st proc made Barn with land and appts 30 A more or less formerly in occ SC, then RH & his assigns D/DU6/3 fo 63r
7 Jan 1773 Bennett Foster Adm; fine £32:11:0
D/DU6/3 fo 63v-64r
John Lay of Little Horksley Essex Gent.; Thomas Alefounder; Wm. Sudell Junr.; 1 Jun 1772. JL satisfaction for all principal and interest for two cond surrs 14 Jun 1760, 9 Mar 1765 from TA. WS wit. Barn, lands 30 A more or less and all other customary land held of the manor of Weeleigh

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Last updated 23rd August 2003 by Peter Alefounder

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