reetings! This is a web site for Alefounder genealogical research. I
estimate that there are about 130 individuals with this surname
throughout the world, mainly in England but with a few in America, Canada, New
Zealand and (as far as I am aware) one in Australia. My guess (and that is all
it is) is that the name in all its various spellings has been used by fewer
than 2500 people since hereditary surnames came into general use in England in
the last quarter of the twelfth century.
pedigree — with
links to the Roper and
Finch families of Kent, the
Lindley and
Knowles families of Nottinghamshire,
Brooks family of Combe Martin, Devon
and the USA, (which itself has links to
Dines of Bristol and Liverpool, and
Norman of Combe Martin, Devon),
Clare, Rosbotham and Swift in
Ormskirk, Lancashire, and the Kingsnorth
family of Faversham. There is DNA evidence to support part of the Lindley
and Brooks family trees.
I have much more information than I have had time to put on this web site.
If you would like to know more, please send an email to me at the address below:
I would like to acknowledge with thanks the help of all those who have sent
me information about their own Alefounder ancestors. I give particular thanks
to the late George Kearney who made substantial contributions to the one-name
study as a whole.